Vaccination, Return to Work, and Masking FAQ
Q1: Can we bring all employees back to the church office, but make the unvaccinated keep their masks on? In most states, yes.* Currently the CDC suggests that fully vaccinated people do not need to wear masks in most places (some workplaces will be an exception, such as healthcare settings), but that non-fully vaccinated people…
4 Unavoidable Legal Issues For Your Church
4 Unavoidable Legal Issues For Your Church As a church leader, there are certain things we don’t like to think about, but in the end, we cannot avoid them. 1) UNDERSTANDING YOUR CHURCH COULD GET SUED . . . AT ANY TIME It is a bad day when a summons is served. Yet in reality,…
FAQs About Form I-9
We receive a lot of questions about the I-9—the form used to verify the identity and employment authorization of all individuals hired for employment in the United States. Here are some of the most common: 1: How Should I-9s Be Stored? Separately. We recommend that you keep all I-9s in either a separate master file or…
IRS Processing Delays
The Internal Revenue Service closed the most recent filing season with more than 35 million in unprocessed tax returns, as the agency’s backlog grew markedly amid a crush of challenges related to the pandemic and economic relief efforts. The National Taxpayer Advocate indicated about 17 million paper tax returns are still waiting to be processed and approximately…