Ministry Mileage

Ministry Mileage Documentation of expenses is vital to an acceptable accountable reimbursement plan. Pre-Covid, ministry mileage driven is generally the minister’s greatest expense. Some ministers have contended that every mile they travel is in the furtherance of their ministry – and thus reimbursable. Their contention is based upon the fact that they never stop being a…

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Retirement 403(b) Plans for Ministers

Retirement 403(b) Plans for Ministers While it is true that ministers, and other church employees, may earn less than those performing similar jobs requiring similar skills in the secular world, there are unique tax advantages that can help offset the compensation differences. One of the greatest advantages for church workers is the 403(b) retirement plan….

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4 Reasons to Donate Stock to Church

If you’ve ever donated to a nonprofit, you’re probably familiar with cash giving — you write a check or make a credit card payment, and your money is put to work supporting the causes you love. But did you know that cash isn’t the only thing you can donate to charity? Many donors are choosing…

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Is it Vacation or Paid Time Off?

Is it Vacation or Paid Time Off? Traditionally, churches offered separate paid time off benefits to employees, such as paid vacation, sick leave, and personal days.  However, in the past decade, many churches have moved to a more flexible Paid Time Off or “PTO” benefit that incorporates all policies into one all-inclusive PTO plan. The…

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COVID-19 Home Testing Deductible?

COVID-19 Home Testing Deductible? The IRS recently posted a reminder on their website that the cost of home testing for COVID-19 is an eligible medical expense that can be paid or reimbursed under health flexible spending arrangements (health FSAs), health savings accounts (HSAs), health reimbursement arrangements (HRAs), or Archer medical savings accounts (Archer MSAs). That…

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Are Church Musicians Employees?

Are Church Musicians Employees? If your church pays musicians to perform during services or other events, you’ll need to determine if they are employees or independent contractors. The biggest distinction between W-2 employees and 1099 workers is the amount of control you have over them. With a W-2 employee, you have the right to direct the…

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Church Benevolence Payments

Church Benevolence Payments Churches often designate certain funds to give to those in their community experiencing financial needs. The needs may arise from issues such as unemployment, disability, natural disasters, or illness. These funds can be given to those outside the local congregation, within the local congregation, and even to those employed by the local…

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Ongoing COVID Legal Issues for Churches

Ongoing COVID Legal Issues for Churches The COVID-19 pandemic has caused churches to make challenging programming and financial decisions for the past year and half. Early on during the pandemic churches were forced to pivot much of their programming and meetings online to protect people from gathering in person. Although live gatherings and meetings have…

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Can an employee submit a new W-4 at any time?

Can an employee submit a new W-4 at any time? Yes, an employee may submit a new W-4 anytime they have changes. Often, they’ll submit a new form when they know they’ll be changing exemptions, adjustments, deductions, or credits on their return. For example, an employee may want to increase their withholding by decreasing the…

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Expense Reimbursement Policy

 Expense Reimbursement Policy The Church should set up a written Expense Reimbursement Policy to cover all reasonable, ministry-related expenses. The policy should outline any item that may be considered a qualified expense for the church. Any expense that does not fall within your guidelines must be approved by the appropriate supervisor before the expense is incurred….

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