IRS guidelines on designating a housing allowance

The IRS guidelines on designating a housing allowance for clergy are detailed and specific. Here is a comprehensive overview: Designation of Housing Allowance Advance Designation Requirement: The housing allowance must be officially designated in advance of payment by the employing church or other qualified organization. This designation can be made in an employment contract, in…

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Clergy Housing Allowance and FAFSA

 Clergy housing allowance counts as income for FAFSA purposes. According to IRS guidelines, while the housing allowance is excludable from gross income for income tax purposes, it is not excludable for self-employment tax purposes. This means that the housing allowance must be included for the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA), which considers both…

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Can the board declare a housing allowance without a specific amount?

When your board declares your annual clergy housing allowance, they must declare a specific dollar amount or percent as the housing allowance. The designation must be made in advance of the payment. A general declaration that you have a housing allowance without naming a specific amount would be insufficient. Designating a housing allowance without specifying…

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What type of expenses qualify for clergy housing allowance

The clergy housing allowance, as outlined in Section 107 of the Internal Revenue Code, allows ministers to exclude from gross income the rental value of a home furnished to them as part of their compensation or a rental allowance paid to them as part of their compensation, to the extent that it is used to…

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Can all church employees qualify for housing allowance?

Q. Can all church employees qualify for housing allowance? A. No. Section 107 of the Internal Revenue Code allows only a “minister of the gospel” to have a housing allowance. Thus, only taxpayers who are serving as clergy under IRS rules for tax purposes are eligible for a housing allowance. These rules state that the…

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Clergy Housing Allowance

Clergy Housing Allowance Ministers who own their home can not only take advantage of the housing allowance by including mortgage payments as housing expenses but also can deduct mortgage interest and property taxes on their itemized deductions. This is often referred to as a “double deduction. Once ministers pay off their mortgages, however, they can…

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Limitations on the Housing Allowance

Limitations on the Housing Allowance After reading about the Housing or Parsonage / Manse Allowance, you may be thinking, “if I designate my entire salary as a Housing Allowance, would it all be excluded from federal income taxes?” IRS has already addressed this by limiting the Allowance to the least of the following: 1. The…

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Mid-Year – Housing Allowance Review

Mid-Year Review of Housing Allowance Designations Perhaps the most beneficial tax benefit available to a minister is the clergy housing allowance, which allows a minister to exclude permissible housing expenses from taxable income. Now that that the current year is more than half over, it is a good time for churches and their ministers to…

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