Can Nursing Home Expenses be Claimed as Housing Allowance?

If the clergy person is a permanent resident of the nursing home, the housing allowance applies to the nursing home because the nursing home is the minister’s primary residence. Charges for food and medical care are not considered housing expenses. Ask the administrator of the residence to provide the portion of their monthly payments that…

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Housing Allowance for Clergy Couples

Clergy couples are limited to the equivalent of one housing allowance between the two incomes, providing they live in the same location. In this instance, clergy need to be mindful of the amount requested by each spouse in the annual housing allowance resolution. Generally, any expense to provide or maintain the home can be used to justify…

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What type of housing expense records should clergy be keeping?

Ideally, clergy should keep careful housing expense records to determine whether expenses are greater or less than the annual designation. Records are also important for estimating a reasonable housing allowance for the next year. Original receipts, invoices, canceled checks, charge card records, etc. are all essential. To simplify record keeping, some pastors find it helpful to have one charge…

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Clergy Couple Housing

Each person of a clergy couple is entitled to the same housing allowance ordinarily provided a pastor who is not married to a pastor. Both pastors in a clergy couple are to receive a housing allowance.  When cash housing allowances are provided, the contributions for each pastor are based on the total of base compensation…

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Housing Allowance

The housing allowance which you pay your Pastor in cash and the housing allowance the IRS allows your Pastor on an income tax return might not be the same number. The reason for this is that the IRS includes more expense items when calculating a housing allowance than the absolute minimum items these guidelines mention…

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Parsonage Provided

 When a parsonage is provided, the congregation should pay for utilities and maintenance. (For tax purposes it is usually to the pastor’s advantage if items like utilities, maintenance, etc. be paid for directly by the congregation rather than to the pastor and then the pastor paying these expenses.) Parsonage Fair Rental Value In addition to…

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Designating A Housing Allowance

Some congregations provide their Pastors with a housing allowance in place of a parsonage. This figure should reflect the realistic fair rental value of a home in the community, and would normally include such costs as insurance, utilities and taxes. Generally, a minimum cash payment of $12,000 is required for a housing allowance when a…

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Down Payment Qualify for Housing Allowance?

A down payment on a home may be excluded from income as a housing allowance, assuming it does not exceed housing limitation. You can exclude the lowest of the following three amounts from income for federal income tax purposes when the church or pension properly designates a housing allowance: The housing allowance designated by the…

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Can I amend my housing allowance?

The housing allowance resolution can be amended at any time. However, it can only be applied prospectively. A pastor’s amended housing allowance must be established or designated by the church. The preferred way to do this is for the church council/board to adopt the housing amendment resolution in the minutes of the meeting.

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Can the housing allowance resolution be amended mid-year?

The housing allowance resolution can be adopted or amended at any time during the year. However, it can only be applied prospectively, not retroactively. It is important for the housing allowance resolution to be adopted by the church council prior to each calendar year (or prior to the start date), which would accurately reflect the…

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