Can clergy living in a parsonage receive a parsonage allowance?

Pastors living in parsonages should be provided with a “parsonage allowance.” Even in a parsonage, every pastor has some expense in maintaining his or her home. The amount of the allowance may depend on several factors: whether or not the parsonage is furnished, who provides the upkeep, pays the utilities, etc. When the parsonage allowance…

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What would happen if the “housing allowance” exclusion was eliminated?

How much money does the IRC 107(clergy housing allowance/parsonage tax exclusion) actually save clergy? After running a few scenarios, the outcome may surprise you. In each scenario, we calculated the amount of tax paid by the clergy in two ways. First, their taxes are calculated as if the housing allowance/parsonage exclusion was eliminated(secular employee). This…

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New Tax Court Ruling on Clergy Housing Allowance & Multiple Homes

Phil Driscoll owns two homes. One in Cleveland Tennessee and a lake home outside of Cleveland Tennessee. Phil Driscoll is an ordained gospel minister. Phil Driscoll Ministries paid for both homes and it was excluded from his income under the Pastor’s Housing allowance under Section 107 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986. The IRS…

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Parsonage/Manse/Housing Allowance

Have you paid off your mortgage? You may be able to exclude from your gross income other eligible housing expenses directly related to providing a home. Qualifying expenses include utilities, repairs, improvements, furnishings, property taxes and insurance. Any additional mortgage that does not apply to improvements on your home cannot be excluded from gross income….

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Can Student Clergy Receive a Housing Allowance?

The housing allowance exclusion is available only for qualified “ministers of the gospel.” The term “minister of the gospel” includes ministers, priests, and rabbis, i.e., those who have been ordained, commissioned or licensed by a church and who perform certain duties or services. These duties or services generally include the performance of sacerdotal functions, the…

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Clergy Housing Allowance: Principal Residence

In the case of a taxpayer using more than one property as a residence, whether property is used by the taxpayer as the taxpayer’s principal residence depends upon all the facts and circumstances. If a taxpayer alternates between 2 properties, using each as a residence for successive periods of time, the property that the taxpayer…

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