Can employees take home old computers for free?

Question: Our church just completed a major upgrade of everyone’s computers. The computers that were replaced were ancient by today’s standards. Rather than throw them out, one staff member suggested that employees take their old computers home. He also said that since the computers are old, we don’t have to worry about taxes. The church board is uncomfortable with this nontaxable suggestion….

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What should the church include as income on a pastor’s W-2?

The first thing to understand is that the income tax code takes the position that any money paid to or for an employee is income unless specifically excluded by the tax code. In addition to the pastor’s base salary, there are some items the church may provide as fringe benefits to the pastor or other employees that…

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Important Fringe Benefits for Ministers

A fringe benefit is any cash, property, or service that clergy employees receive from a congregation in addition to salary.  All fringe benefits are taxable income to employees unless specifically exempted by the Internal Revenue Code. Many fringe benefits can be provided by a congregation to clergy without any dollar limitation (health insurance is an example), while other fringe benefits…

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Is a Pastor’s Retirement Gift Taxable?

Federal tax law requires all forms of compensation to be reported as taxable income unless specifically excluded by law. Gifts are one such exclusion. The question, then, is whether retirement gifts are taxable compensation for services rendered or tax-free gifts. This an­swer is not always clear. In a series of cases in the early 1950s,…

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Love Offerings: Taxable or Not?

Churches sometimes collect “love offerings” from the congregation for a pastor, visiting minister, volunteer, or staff member in recognition of services rendered. So, if a church takes up a love offering for one of its service providers, is it reportable as income on Form W-2. If the recipient is not a church employee, the income should…

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When do I use Form W-9?

When a church hires a worker, one of the initial decisions that must be made is whether to treat the worker as clergy, non-clergy employee or contractor. This decision may seem insignificant, but it has huge implications when it comes to payroll. When you hire a new employee, you need to fill out paperwork to…

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Long-term disability: Pre-tax or after-tax?

Long-term disability (LTD) insurance provides you with income if you become disabled and are unable to work. Although your church may pay the full premium for this coverage, you can choose whether the premium is deducted from your pay before or after taxes.  Important tax considerations are as follows: If you choose to pay for…

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How Much Do We Pay Supply Pastors

Payment to Supply Pastors Generally, the payment to supply pastors is $175 for one worship service, and $75 for each additional service/adult forum/Bible study on the same day and at the same location. Travel should also be reimbursed at the current IRS rate per mile, plus applicable parking, ferry, and road or bridge tolls. The payment…

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Clergy Social Security Allowance

Clergy Social Security Allowance The IRS has ruled that clergy are self-employed for purposes of paying social security taxes. This means that they must pay both the employee and the employer share of social security tax under the Self-Employed Contribution Act (SECA). Churches are prohibited from paying FICA tax for clergy but are encouraged to pay…

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Is Your Babysitter An Employee?

Who’s a Household Employer? The IRS defines a household employer as someone who pays an individual to perform duties in or around their home and has the right to control when, where, how or by whom the work should be performed. Household employees include nannies, senior caregivers, housekeepers, nurses, personal assistants, chefs, estate managers, etc….

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