Five Important Facts about Dependents and Exemptions
Some tax rules affect every person who may have to file a federal income tax return – these rules include dependents and exemptions. Here are six important facts you should know about dependents and exemptions that will help you file your 2010 tax return. 1.    Exemptions reduce your taxable income. There are two types of…
Unrelated Business Income Tax (UBIT)
Churches and religious organizations may engage in income-producing activities unrelated to their tax-exempt purposes, as long as the unrelated activities are not a substantial part of the organization’s activities . However, the net income from these unrelated business activities will be subject to the “Unrelated Business Income Tax” if the following three conditions are met:…
Top 10 Question of a New Call
The proposed salary package will normally represent the previous pastor’s salary package or the guidelines set by your organization. 1- Does the church provide a social security allowance? 15.3% or 7.65% of salary and housing. 2- Does the church provide for the supplemental medical insurance? 3-Does the church provide a 100% professional accountable reimbursement plan?…
Year end tax strategies for clergy
Here’s a quick checklist of tax savings strategies to consider and apply before the end of December: 1. Make Charitable Contributions and Donations: Generally, for individuals, contributions to tax-exempt charitable organizations are limited to 50 percent of the taxpayer’s adjusted gross income for the tax year. Those unused items cluttering closets can be donated to…
Clergy Compensation Package
The 1986 Tax Reform Act, the 1987 Omnibus Budget Reconciliation, Technical Correction Act of 1988, and the 1993 Reconciliation Act made the most sweeping changes in almost 50 years. The law is not simple. Your salary package is the most important factor in determining your annual tax liability. At year end, you are limited in…
Prepare for Your Church’s 2011 Budget
In today’s economy, setting up a church budget can be a challenging task. The 2010-2011 Compensation Handbook will help make sure your church staff will be fairly compensated.
Steps to Finding the Right Clergy Tax Professional
Six tips to help taxpayers find the right clergy tax professional.
Clergy Commuting Expenses
You cannot deduct the costs of taking a bus, trolley, subway, or taxi, or driving a car between your home and your main or regular place of work. These costs are personal commuting expenses. You cannot deduct commuting expenses no matter how far your home is from your regular place of work. You cannot deduct commuting expenses even if you work during the commuting trip.