2019 Clergy Tax Organizer Booklet


Now Available
Just a friendly reminder, your tax material will need to be in our office by March 15, 1 to guarantee completion by April 15, 2021.

Each year Clergy Financial Resources publishes a tax organizer for clergy, which is designed to be used as a learning tool and reference guide. The organizer will assist you in gathering the information needed to prepare your 2019 tax return. We do this to provide you with better and faster service, but also to get you started with sound record-keeping practices for the following year.

The Clergy Tax Organizer contains special pages associated with clergy income, housing, auto, professional expenses and everything else. We use this comprehensive organizer format to address the standard tax laws and the special tax laws designed for clergy. This comprehensive organizer is your assurance that you won’t miss any important tax information. This is the most comprehensive organizer available to clergy. The Internal Revenue Service has recognized this organizer as one of the most thorough available.

The Clergy Tax Organizer is required to complete your tax return. The cost of the organizer will be applied as a deposit against your tax service fees and is not an additional cost.
CyberCabinet Plus
CyberCabinet represents a virtual file cabinet that allows you to access, view, and upload documents in an instant—all in a secure environment. The CyberCabinet Mobile App is an extension of the CyberCabinet Plus. Now, the mobile app makes it even easier for you to access tax returns and other information while you’re on-the-go.
If uploading to CyberCabinet, please upload the final version of the organizer to avoid duplicate uploads.
2019 State Worksheet – download here

In addition to the Clergy Tax Organizer, we also provide a state worksheet. This worksheet will assist you in gathering state information needed to prepare your current tax return. Please print and complete a state worksheet for your resident state. If you lived in multiple states, please complete a state worksheet for each state. The state worksheet is required and should be attached to your other tax material which can be mailed, faxed or uploaded to your CyberCabinet.

2019 Clergy Tax Organizer Online (Editable PDF)

Do you want to download the Clergy Tax Organizer Online? – click here

2019 Audit Protection Plus

Audit Protection Plus Enrollment – click here


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We have an unparalleled expertise on the complex issues associated with taxes, payroll, HR and bookkeeping solutions for clergy and religious organizations. No matter where you reside, we are available to serve you. Your solution starts here!

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For more information or if you need additional assistance, please use the contact information below.

Clergy Financial Resources
11214 86th Avenue N.
Maple Grove, MN 55369

Tel: 763.425.8778 
Fax: 888.876.5101
Email: cfr@clergyfinancial.com

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