Hobby or Business?

Millions of people enjoy hobbies that are also a source of income. You must report on your tax return the income you earn from a hobby. The rules for how you report the income and expenses depend on whether the activity is a hobby or a business. There are special rules and limits for deductions…

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Can churches reimburse employee health care premiums?

For many years, churches have been permitted to reimburse employees for or directly pay the cost of individual health insurance policy premiums and exclude such amounts from the employee’s gross income. However, recent Internal Revenue Service guidance effectively eliminates these health care reimbursement plans after December 31, 2013. Group health insurance policy premiums paid directly…

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Communicate with Your Accountant Year-Round

Tax and Financial management should be a year-round activity rather than limited to the traditional tax season. The biggest mistake nearly one-third of clergy make is only communicating with their accountants during tax time. In order that we may properly advise you of tax considerations, please keep us informed of any significant changes in your…

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Top 5 HR or Payroll Mistakes

Let’s face it. Running a church often leaves little time to address human resources (HR) or payroll challenges. Only 6% of the churches have a dedicated HR professional on staff, yet making any of these Top 5 HR or Payroll Mistakes can have direct impact on your HR and payroll compliance: 1. Incorrect employment classification…

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New Hire Checklist

Document the Employee is Legally Allowed to Work This involves verifying both their identity and that they are legal for employment in the United States. Once they have presented you with the necessary documentation to verify this, you can fill out their I-9 form. You needn’t submit this to anyone. However, it is crucial to…

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Does the church need to provide health insurance to their employees?

The answer is no. The church does not have to provide health insurance to their employees. Churches with less than 50 full-time equivalent employees for the previous calendar year are not required to provide health insurance. However, The Affordable Care Act requires most Americans to carry a “minimum essential coverage” health plan, or pay a…

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Clergy Tax Fact: Student Loan Debt Skyrocketing

Outstanding student loans were $1.11 trillion as of 3/31/14. Outstanding credit card debt was $857 billion as of 3/31/14. Student loans have increased $124 billion in the last 12 months while credit card debt has increased just $7 billion over the same period (source: Federal Reserve). Source: Clergy Financial Resources Home Clergy Financial Resources is…

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Time for Reform?

From 1984 through 2008, the Social Security payroll taxes paid by Americans exceeded the benefit payments made by Social Security. However since 2009, benefits paid have exceeded taxes collected, including a $51 billion shortfall in 2013 (source: Social Security). Clergy Financial Resources Home Clergy Financial Resources is a national accounting and finance organization serving churches…

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Looking into the future?

More than half (56%) of 1,000 Americans at least age 25 that were surveyed earlier this year have never attempted (nor has their spouse attempted) to calculate how much they will need to accumulate for their eventual retirement (source: Employee Benefit Research Institute). Clergy Financial Resources Home Clergy Financial Resources is a national accounting and…

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Increased Payroll Audits for Churches

The frequency of payroll audits has surged over the last five years and churches are facing increased payroll scrutiny. Most payroll audits have traditionally focused on whether or not a church is misclassifying an employee as an independent contractor, thus avoiding Social Security, Medicare and other payroll taxes. Churches misclassify anywhere from 10 percent to…

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