Tag Archives: church pay

Social Security Tax Paid by the Church

Social security benefits are financed through two tax systems. Employers and employees each pay the “FICA” tax, which for 2007 amounts to 7.65% of an employee’s taxable wages (a total tax of 15.3%). Self-employed persons pay the “self-employment tax,” which for 2007 is 15.3% of net self-employment earnings. Clergy are always considered to be self-employed…

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Clergy Voluntary Withholding Agreements

Ministers can arrange to have income taxes (but not social security taxes) withheld from their compensation by means of voluntary withholding agreements with their employers. If the employer agrees to such an arrangement, the minister must furnish the church with a Form W-4, and the church will then withhold on the basis of the standard…

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Health Care Reform Legislation Requires the W-2’s Show Value of Health Coverage

UPDATE 10/21/10: The IRS has announced that the health care reporting requirement will be optional in 2011 and mandatory in 2012.  From the IRS “to provide employers the time they need to make changes to their payroll systems or procedures in preparation for compliance with this requirement, the IRS will defer the reporting requirement for…

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Prepare for Your Church’s 2011 Budget

In today’s economy, setting up a church budget can be a challenging task. The 2010-2011 Compensation Handbook will help make sure your church staff will be fairly compensated.

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