Tag Archives: clergy tax

2011 Clergy Tax Organizer – Now Available – $45.00

We are pleased to offer you the chance to discover the power of our innovative Internet-based products. The new 2011 Clergy Tax Organizer Online, a tax preparation guide. Each year we publish a tax organizer for clergy, which is designed to be used as a learning tool and reference guide. This organizer will assist you…

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Taxable or Non-Taxable Clergy Income?

Generally, most income you receive is considered taxable but there are situations when certain types of income are partially taxed or not taxed at all. All sources of income are fully taxable and must be included in your income unless it is specifically excluded by law. To help clergy understand the differences between taxable and…

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Eight Tax Benefits for Parents

Did you know that your children may help you qualify for some tax benefits? Here are 8 tax benefits to consider when filing your tax returns this year. Dependents. In most cases, a child can be claimed as a dependent in the year they were born. Child Tax Credit. You may be able to take…

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New Tax Court Ruling on Clergy Housing Allowance & Multiple Homes

Phil Driscoll owns two homes. One in Cleveland Tennessee and a lake home outside of Cleveland Tennessee. Phil Driscoll is an ordained gospel minister. Phil Driscoll Ministries paid for both homes and it was excluded from his income under the Pastor’s Housing allowance under Section 107 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986. The IRS…

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5 New Year’s Clergy Tax Resolutions

This year I will be more organized. I will make a tax file for the year. I will put important data in it during the year. I hate the stress of getting all my tax stuff together and crunching numbers, but every year it happens that way. Make one for 2010 as well, even though…

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Holidays & Weekends Affect 2011 Tax Deadlines

Every year, taxpayers in the United States have until April 15 to file their tax return or file an extension. Normally, the only exception is if April 15 falls on a Saturday, Sunday or national holiday. This year taxpayers get will an extra three days to file their 2010 tax returns due to a Washington …

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Easy W-2 Filing for Clergy & Church Staff is a Click Away

The year is wrapping up and we’re ready to make W-2 filing easy! When your year-end data is ready, enter it on W2 data screen. Then relax! We’ll do the rest. Let us e-file, print and mail recipient copies and send you a confirmation that it’s all done. W-2s have never been easier! PRICING W-2…

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IRS Delays Start of Filing Season For Some Taxpayers

Clergy who claim deductions for home-mortgage interest, gifts to charity and state and local taxes will have to wait until middle to late February to file their 2010 returns. The Internal Revenue Service attributed the late start of the filing season to changes in tax law for 2010 that were finished last week. The agency…

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How the Obama tax bill will affect church employees

On December 17, 2010, President Obama signed into law H.R. 4853, the Tax Relief Unemployment Insurance Reauthorization and Job Creation Act Of 2010, which will affect every U.S. employer and several areas of payroll, tax and benefits administration in January. Back in 2008, after the passage of the 2008 stimulus package, many taxpayers received $300…

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IRS Updates Mileage Rates for 2011

2011 Standard Mileage Rates The Internal Revenue Service issued the 2011 standard mileage rates used to calculate the deductible costs of operating an automobile for ministry, business, charitable, medical or moving purposes. Beginning on Jan. 1, 2011, the standard mileage rates for the use of a car (also vans, or pickups ) are listed below….

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